2 min readJun 5, 2023

In pictures and in person 🥂

Going through my late dad’s stuff I found some old photographs. They were pictures of my dad, pictures of people he must have known and pictures of places. Some pictures had notes at the back of them.

I have so many questions to ask but he isn’t here to answer. I know these pictures have stories that I really want to hear, those that I see/feel by looking at the pictures.

These pictures were moments and the moments were unique to him. Now that I look at them I don’t feel anything I just know that they are beautiful pictures. I don’t know the people or the places or even the time. To me they are pictures.

This got me thinking. While we try to document every moment in pictures and videos, do we also take time to enjoy the moment?

In this era where pictures are just a few clicks away, people attend events, hangout and get carried away taking pictures that they sometimes forget to be in the moment.

I looked at the pictures again. Through the black and white photographs I could see smiles, smirks, laughter and a range of expressions on their faces. They were in that moment.

Some of these pictures were dated far back to the 80s. Over 40 years later the pictures are still here and the memories are with the people who made them.

Moments become memories and the memories stay with you. You die with the memories, not the pictures.

Years from now, these pictures I’m holding will probably be garbage.

Also, the pictures tell a story, and you can’t tell the story properly when you weren’t in the moment.

image source: Pinterest

What happens when you’re not able to tell the stories anymore? You have your memories to your self.

It got me thinking..

Then I said to myself: “I will be in the moment, I will enjoy it” “I won’t take pictures only and not enjoy the moment”

Photographs can get ruined or could go missing, files can get lost but memories are mine till the end of time.

Cheers to making memories; In pictures and in person. 🥂


Now you're in my head! {If it's not about my Dad, then it's fiction}